Document Type : Review Article


Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques, Al-Mussaib Technical Institute, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, 51009, Iraq


Breast cancer, the most frequent disease in women worldwide, represents a significant public health concern on a global scale. Breast cancer was the most frequent type of cancer among Iraqi women in 2018, accounting for the highest percentage of malignant tumors in women. Breast cancer is a set of physiological and molecular heterogeneous diseases that begin in the breast. Advanced breast cancer with distant organ metastases is considered incurable with current therapies. Aside from new treatment improvements, the next global challenge in breast cancer care is equal worldwide access to therapeutic advances. The incidence of breast cancer continues to rise in every part of the world. Despite advances in its identification and treatment, which have resulted in lower mortality rates, it appears vital to seek out new therapeutic approaches, predictive and prognostic indicators. The article provides a literature review of breast carcinoma, a condition that affects women worldwide. As a result, women should be aware of the disease's course, the importance of regular screenings for early detection of breast cancer, and the best treatment options.

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Prevalence of women breast cancer


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Dr. Ruqayah Ali Salman
Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University
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