Document Type : Original Article


Department of Pharmacy Practice, Palamuru University (Smt. Sarojini Ramulamma College of Pharmacy), Sheshadrinagar, Mahabubnagar, 509001, Telangana, India


Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy are a major public health concern in both developed and developing countries. Early detection and treatment of maternal health issues reduce the severity of these issues. This study set out to identify possible risk factors of these conditions and evaluate current methods of treatment. Throughout the research (6 months), 80 PIH women who met the inclusion criteria were studied in an observational study. Women in their twenties and thirties are more likely to have pregnancy-induced hypertension. Preeclampsia and gestational hypertension in pregnancy are the most common types. Hypertension issues are more common among pregnant women who are more likely to be obese, have had previous pregnancies, and reside in rural areas. Medication for the treatment of pregnancy-induced hypertension is prescribed and administered regarding drugs used for primary hypertension. Methyldopa and labetalol are examples of first-line treatments. Patients with PIH who are about to give birth are given hydralazine intravenously (IV) or nifedipine orally (P.O.) as a second-line treatment. When providing antihypertensive medicines or any other medications, the well-being of both maternal and fetal is taken into consideration. The risks to both mother and child may be reduced with prompt treatment with additional, safe medications.

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Pregnancy-induced hypertension: risk factors and current treatment strategies


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Dr.  Hafsa Ansari
Palamuru University
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