Document Type : Original Article


Department of Pharmacy Practice, Palamuru University (Smt. Sarojini Ramulamma College of Pharmacy), Sheshadrinagar, Mahabubnagar, 509001, Telangana, India


More than 75% of women have uterine fibroids (leiomyomas), which may have major morbid effects. By far, they are the main reason for a hysterectomy. Smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts make up the complicated cellular assemblage known as fibroids. They generally develop from somatic mutations, most often MED12, and are rich in the extracellular matrix. They provide chances to investigate fundamental mechanisms due to their lack of inhibition of growth and their capacity to display aspects of malignancy while remaining histologically and physiologically benign. The processes behind the genesis and evolution of leiomyomas remain a mystery. In the current research, 102 individuals were found, 12 of whom were removed for a variety of reasons, and 90 patients' data were analyzed. Age prevalence is evaluated in the topic, and risk factors, pharmaceutical therapy, surgical alternatives, and consequences are examined. According to this research, women between the ages of 31 and 40 are more likely to develop uterine fibroids, and age, obesity, and hormone imbalance are risk factors. Anti-fibrinolytic agents are a first-line therapy in the pharmacological management of menstrual bleeding. Hysterectomy is the recommended surgical procedure for the treatment of uterine fibroids. Our research found that excessive or prolonged bleeding and unfavourable pregnancy outcomes were the main symptoms. This research shows that uterine fibroids have a major influence on one's quality of life.

Graphical Abstract

A study on uterine fibroids effective treatment and associated risks factors in the tertiary care teaching hospital


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Dr.  Satish Kumar
Palamuru University

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